Pictures taken after the bride and the groom left the party... not many but better than nothing!
A few of the wedding guests and I thought that the wedding party was cut a little short! So what else to do than continue partying after the wedding ended Saturday night?
The people more or less depicted above are: David, Dennis, Jay, Oliver, Carsten, Stine, Trine, Amanda, Natanya.
Same crowd different angle.
Stine and Trine were out fooling with Oliver somewhere.
From left to right we have: Dennis, Amanda, Jay, David Carsten and Natanya.
Same setup as above apart from Cartens bunny ears supplied by David.
As the great "out in town guide" I am - I made sure to put the last two drunkards (Jay and Dennis) in cab to get them home. But not till after I treated them with a "on your way home from town" meal. We each ate 2 Big Macs... this was around 5.30am Sunday morning. A sturdy breakfast to finish off on.